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Overhead view of a frosted funfetti cake mix cookie resting on top of a pile of cookies.

Funfetti Cake Mix Cookies

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  • Author: Julianne Dell
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 12 minutes
  • Total Time: 22 minutes
  • Yield: 11-12 cookies
  • Category: Cookies
  • Method: Oven
  • Cuisine: American


Soft-baked funfetti cake mix cookies are jam-packed with colorful sprinkles and nostalgic birthday cake flavor. These are the best funfetti cookies and they’re super easy to make.


For the Cookies:

  • 1 box (15oz) Pillsbury Funfetti Cake Mix
  • ½ cup (113g) unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 Large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon (5ml) Pure vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon Cake Batter Extract
  • 3 tablespoons Sprinkles (optional)

For the Frosting:

  • ½ cup, unsalted butter, cold
  • 1 ½ cups powdered sugar
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoon milk (only if needed, see notes)
  • Sprinkles for garnish


For the Cookies:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking sheet
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients together and mix until well combined. The dough will be thick.
  3. Scoop the dough using a large cookie scoop and place on a baking sheet, 2 inches apart. Bake for 11-13 minutes. The center of the cookies should be slightly under-baked but not too gooey. Use a toothpick inserted into the center of a cookie to check for doneness. Cool completely before frosting.

For the Frosting:

  1. Cut the butter into pieces. Using the paddle attachment, whip the butter for about 5 minutes, scraping down the bowl occasionally, and beating until the butter is whipped and fluffy.
  2. Add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract and mix on low speed until incorporated into the butter, then increase the speed and beat for about 3 minutes or until whipped and fluffy; scrape down the bowl as needed.
  3. Frost cookies with a flat knife and garnish with sprinkles.


  • This recipe is based on a cake mix that is 15oz. If you have a 13-ounce cake mix, add 1/2 cup all-purpose flour. 
  • Pillsbury makes a Gluten-free Funfetti cake mix, which is 17oz. In that case add 1 tablespoon milk to accommodate the extra dry ingredients. 
  • If you don’t have cake batter extract, simply replace it with vanilla extract.
  • These are large cookies made with 3 tablespoon size scoop, for a medium-sized scoop (1.5 tbsp) reduce the baking time by about 2 minutes. 
  • Frosting: Only add the milk if needed to think out the frosting


  • Countertop. Keep these funfetti cake mix cookies stored airtight at room temperature for up to 3-4 days. 
  • Freeze. You can also freeze these cookies frosted or unfrosted. If they’re frosted, use a sheet of parchment paper to separate any layers. Freeze the cookies airtight for up to 1 month and defrost them at room temperature.


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 259
  • Sugar: 1.8 g
  • Sodium: 268.6 mg
  • Fat: 14.6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 32.7 g
  • Fiber: 0.4 g
  • Protein: 2.9 g
  • Cholesterol: 56.8 mg