Beyond Frosting » Recipes » Desserts » Cupcakes » Chocolate Cupcakes » Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes

Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes

Side view of two Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes on a plate I called this series, Baking with Boys. From the beginning of our relationship, I knew my boyfriend liked chocolate cake, but he always talked about the chocolate cream cheese cupcakes (black bottom cupcakes) his mother used to make.

The first birthday we shared together, I was super stressed about making the best black bottom cake I could, because he didn’t have the recipe. I guess I did okay since I am still around. Finally after several months he found the recipe from his mom. I was expecting something really fancy and complicated. Turns out they’re super easy to make. He has been requesting that I make them ever since. I guess he got sick of waiting.

Side view of three Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes on a plate

 While I was busy shooting my Cadbury Cookie Brittle, he insisted on making black bottom cupcakes at 9 o’clock at night. He wanted to do it all himself, to which I of course said go right ahead, just clean up afterwards! I love watching him bake, because it makes me laugh every time.

He uses as few dishes as possible. This results in him melting butter in the glass measuring cup and using the same cup to measure ALL of his dry ingredients plus oil, milk and whatever else is required. I am going to tell the rest of this story in photos taken on my iphone. Read on, I promise it’s worth it.  Also, I should tell you that he edits my posts, and may or may not agree with my recount of the story.

He’s pretty serious about his measuring. As you should be.

Cupcake ingredients and a mixing bowl with a man looking at a liquid measuring cup amount

This is the face of concentration. He has two rules. His first rule is that he “doesn’t do eggs”, which means I have to be called in to crack the eggs.

A man pouring liquid ingredients into a mixing bowl

Easy-to-do Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes
Makes 24 Cupcake

1 Box Chocolate cake mix plus ingredients listed on the box

1 Package cream cheese (8 oz- softened)

1 Large egg

1/3 C Sugar

6 oz Chocolate chips

  • Pre-heat oven to 350°
  • Mix cake mix with required ingredients listed on the back of the box. Fill your lined cupcake pan 2/3 full.
  • Mix together softened cream cheese, sugar and egg and beat until smooth. Fold in chocolate chips.
  • To add the cream cheese mixture to the cupcakes, use a spoon to drop into each liner. The original recipe calls for 1 tsp of the cream cheese mix, but we did about 2 tsp per cupcake and it worked out great. Liners will be very full.
  • Bake for 18-20 minutes. Use a toothpick to check the doneness of your cupcake. Insert the toothpick and if it comes out clean, your cupcakes are done. Allow cupcakes to cool for a couple minutes before transferring to a wire rack.

I had to step in and teach him how to use my cookie scoop to measure batter (which helps keep the cupcakes the same size). It took him a little while to catch on. He is very concerned about dripping batter on the cupcake pan and I didn’t have half an hour to watch him fill 12 cupcake liners (Editor’s Note: Rude).

A man pouring liquid ingredients into a mixing bowl

His second rule, is that no chocolate chips should be wasted. So if you have leftover cream cheese mix, be sure to pull out the chocolate chips and put them in a random cupcake. This is what your cupcake will look like before you put it in the oven. It’s pretty cool because the cream cheese ends up sinking to the bottom. I am not sure why they call these black bottom cupcake, because they were white (Editor’s Note: We don’t call them that, they’re just Cream Cheese Cupcakes. The “Chocolate” portion is implied and does not need to be stated since we see little value in cupcakes that are not chocolate).

Chocolate Cream Cheese cupcake batter in a muffin tin

For the frosting, he requested chocolate frosting. “Well, what kind of chocolate frosting do you want to make?” I asked.  I know he prefers the classic Hersey’s “Perfectly Chocolate” Chocolate Frosting, so I suggested he make that.

Hersey’s Chocolate Frosting

1 stick (1/2 C) butter

2/3 C Hersey;s Unsweetened cocoa powder

3 C Confectionary powered sugar

1/3 C milk

1 tsp Pure vanilla extract

  • Melt butter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Stir in unsweetened cocoa. Beat on medium speed until well combined.
  • Continue to beat on medium speed while slowly adding powdered sugar and alternative will milk to prevent the frosting from becoming too stiff. Add vanilla.
  • For a creamier frosting, add additional milk.

My boyfriend prefers a very chocolaty frosting, so he always adds more cocoa powder than what they call for. In this case, he added the rest of the container. “Well how much did you use, so I can tell me readers?” I asked. His response, “All of it, tell them not to be scared”. Boys.

Cocoa powder being poured into a mixing bowl

I believe that he was intending on mixing his frosting with a spoon, until he asked if he should be using “those beater things”. See? He is paying attention to me when I bake sometimes.

When it came time for him to add powdered sugar, he held up the bag, looked at what was left and said, “this looks like about 3 cups right?”. I replied with a simple, “no”.  He proceeded to measure out the powdered sugar while telling me that “never in my life have I been like, this frosting has too much sugar in it.” (Editor’s Note: I DID use all of it and then added more from a second container. It was the right decision.)

Lastly, he had to add the vanilla extract, for which he requested, “real” vanilla extract, whatever that’s supposed to mean (Editor’s note, not imitation). I also suggested that since he didn’t know how much cocoa he used, he might have to add additional milk.  He used ½ cup. Turns out he made the creamiest chocolate frosting I have ever had. It was delicious.

Chocolate frosting being stirred with a spoon

While the cupcake were cooling, and our frosting was done, he asked if he should use a piping bag to frost, only he didn’t use those words, nor can I the words to tell you exactly how he asked, but it was hilarious. I let him pick out a tip and helped him fill the piping bag. I know he has seen me frost hundreds of cupcakes, but I was going to step back and just watch him do it. Needless to say, I was very impressed.

Chocolate frosting being piped onto a Chocolate Cream Cheese cupcake

When it was time to step back and admire his work, he simply said, “see how I just nailed it on the first try?” Sigh, “yes babe, you sure did”. And then it was time to taste his creation. Although I did request he eat one of the less pretty ones, so I could shoot the cupcakes under a natural light, instead of at 10 o’clock at night.

A man biting into a Chocolate Cream Cheese cupcake

A hand holding a Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcake with a bite removed

At some point during this process, I ran to grab my notebook to make sure I was accurately recording what was going on. It was pretty awesome to turn him loose and see what he could do. This man is a keeper for sure. (Editor’s Note: Well, yeah.)

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A chocolate cream cheese cupcake topped with rich Hershey's Chocolate Frosting in front of a jug of milk.

Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes with Hershey Chocolate Frosting

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  • Author: Julianne Dell
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 24 cupcakes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baked
  • Cuisine: American


Rich, chocolaty cupcakes with a smooth cream cheese filling topped with a light and fluffy chocolate frosting.


For the Cupcakes:

  • 1 box chocolate cake mix plus ingredients listed on the box
  • 1 package cream cheese (8 oz– softened)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 6 oz chocolate chips

For the Frosting:

  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
  • 2/3 cup Hersey’s Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 3 cup confectionary powdered sugar
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract


For the Cupcakes:

  1. Pre-heat oven to 350°
  2. Mix cake mix with required ingredients listed on the back of the box. Fill your lined cupcake pan 2/3 full.
  3. Mix together softened cream cheese, sugar, and egg and beat until smooth. Fold in chocolate chips.
  4. To add the cream cheese mixture to the cupcakes, use a spoon to drop into each liner. The original recipe calls for 1 tsp of the cream cheese mix, but we did about 2 tsp per cupcake and it worked out great. Liners will be very full.
  5. Bake for 18-20 minutes. Use a toothpick to check the doneness of your cupcake. Insert the toothpick and if it comes out clean, your cupcakes are done. Allow cupcakes to cool for a couple of minutes before transferring to a wire rack.

For the Frosting:

  1. Melt butter in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Stir in unsweetened cocoa. Beat on medium speed until well combined.
  2. Continue to beat on medium speed while slowly adding powdered sugar and alternative will milk to prevent the frosting from becoming too stiff. Add vanilla.
  3. For a creamier frosting, add additional milk.

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A half of a Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcake on a plate with two other cupcakes

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13 thoughts on “Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcakes”

  1. Those look and sound absolutely orgasmically amazing! I need lots of chocolate in my daily diet and I will try this. But first, my man loves carrot cake, I have one on hand, and its Easter, so Ill try that first. Bet its almost as fabulous!

  2. Hello there! I tried this recipe and love it! Was wondering though how i can make frosting taste not so bitter? I followed exact recipe for the frosting.Thanks ahead of time and congratulations on all your amazing treats. From Susie in Cali.

    1. Julianne - Beyond Frosting
      Beyond Frosting

      Hi Susie- try adding more vanilla extra or milk to offset the chocolate. Are you using sweetened cocoa or unsweetened cocoa?

      1. Julianne - Beyond Frosting
        Beyond Frosting

        Trying changing to a Sweetened cocoa power and that should help with the bitterness! Unsweetened cocoa powder is very bitter! So you will need to add additional vanilla and maybe a pinch of salt to cut the bitterness.

  3. Whoa. Wow. amazing. i have GOT to make these!!! so much amazing chocolate. I need to make these! Like, yesterday. 🙂